Full-body Cancer Screening
- Full-body Cancer Screening
Early detection and treatment are essential to surviving cancer.Full-body Cancer Screening
Early detection and treatment are essential to surviving cancer.Full-body Cancer Screening
Even the smallest malignancies can be detected early with in our Full-body Cancer Screening course.
Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases known to humankind. However, with earlier detection and effective new therapies, we are making inroads into beating cancer. For almost all types of cancer, early detection vastly improves the treatment options and 5-year survival rates. Screenings for healthy asymptomatic patients can discover malignant tumors before they have a chance to become lethal.
The Full-body Cancer Screening course checks for a wide variety of cancer using not only the powerful PET/CT scan, but also MRI scan, blood testing for tumor markers and more.
This course is recommended if you…
- want to have the whole body checked for cancer in one session.
- want a comprehensive screening for cancer.
- have a family history of cancer.
- have never been screened for cancer.
- are over 40 years of age.
Examination Process
An unprecedented level of precision in cancer diagnosticsPET/CT scan
The PET/CT scanner is a cutting edge device that combines two imaging systems positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT) into one machine. By merging the PET and CT images the malignant activity (PET) can be mapped onto the body's internal organs (CT), providing an unprecedented level of diagnostic clarity and utility.
Useful for early detection
Before a PET scan, the patient receives an IV infusion of 18F-FDG, which cancer cells absorb in greater concentration than healthy cells. 18F-FDG is detected by the PET scanner, making many hidden tumors clearly visible.
Full-body scan in 3D
The PET/CT scanner can take a 3D full-body image in about 20 minutes.
Painless Examination
After the 18F-FDG infusion, the patient rests on the bed for the medicine to spread throughout the body. The patient remains in a supine position for the duration of the test.
Useful for detecting relapse and metastasis
Because PET/CT is a full-body scan, it is useful for detecting distal metastasis and recurrent cancers.